We have officially started shipping the iGPS360 module on Monday, October 27, 2008!
It has been a long weekend with little sleep. Today is the second day of shipping and I just returned from the post office. It is time for a little work-break so I decided to write an update for the blog.
Over the weekend, we have been full-time busy with organizing orders and arranging them in the proper sequence, finding the quickest way to process orders, making labels, printing invoices, printing customs forms, packing, sealing, printing postage, etc. It looks like we are getting the hang of it now :-) although the first packages took a rather long time to prepare.
I certainly have to thank my wife for doing most of the database stuff, cross-referencing orders with the pre-order list and generating order processing list over the weekend.
Some other things have come up along the way as well.
According to the post office, Italy and Canada are high risk countries for lost/stolen packages and as such we strongly advise you to use Express Mail International (EMI) insured shipping, which has tracking and insurance (we note that Orange Gadgets is not responsible if your package gets lost or is stolen after we hand it to the post office, see the Terms of Service on the website under Shipping Liability Limitations). If you have already placed your order without insurance, don't worry; before we ship any module to an address in Italy or Canada, we will contact you with the option to upgrade your shipping to EMI. Also, for new orders, shipping rates to Canada and Italy have been updated in the online store.
I hereby sincerely thank all of you customers who have placed an order for the module and for being and remaining patient while we are handling orders. There are currently about 250 orders that we need to catch up on. We have handled up to database entry number 106 now. I hope to have a better estimate at how fast we can handle/process/ship orders by the weekend.
Also, a new version of xGPS that officially supports the iGPS360
module at a baudrate of 115200 (5Hz refresh rate) is expected to be
released within the next week or two. For the latest software updates, please visit Xwaves blog. In their latest post, they have released a nice desktop map download tool to go with the xGPS software.
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
We are shipping!
Orange Gadgets,
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got my shipping email today, can't wait for the module to arrive! I live in Canada, but I live around 10 min. from the border so i usually just ship things from the internet to the US, i usally save a few bucks on shipping.
yup.. 2nd day.. my fingers are cramped with crossing them for too long..
my ipod touch just crashed on me last night.. i am going to try to have it restore later on today.. hopefully i could get it working before the GPS unit arrive..
can't wait.. oh my.. oh my...
Can't wait!!! So awesome.
Order is all paid with insured shipping & tracking :) The wait hurts so bad, especially that my database number was in the 400's :(
@ skye I know how u feel. My db is 323 I'm hoping it'll be sent by thurs. =) but it DEF wrth the wait plus I know I'm like the only one in town that has this gps =) for now.......
ooh..."extremely urgent" I bet that's mine ;)
Hi from Spain !
Should I be worried if I have a DB number <106 (#46 actually and #44 in pre-order) and didn't received any shipping email ?
Or should I send flowers to your wife to sort things out ? ;-)
Thanks in advance
Eric :) Im hoping that theres a large number of unpaid ones between 100 and 400, so mine ships real soon :)
Skye, last week I hoped the same; but my hope was crushed when a mail was sent to alert everyone that you could order your GPS :)
Ah well, patience is a virtue.
I think you'd like to wipe out the recipients' details in the photo you've published :-)
Hi, why you don't just follow Order Number (person that pay) and not Database entry number (there is a lot of person that just sign up and they don't pay)
Can you make some sort of dead line delivering schedule?
My device arrived!!! Trying it now!!!
PmgR, can you link us to the software YOU'VE been using to test and work with your units? I definitely remember you showing us several instances in demos.
That's fast jd !
I got confirmation that mine is sent. It should take between 6-10 days until it arrives. I just hope it doesn't get lost, because I didn't take insurance.
Have you got everything working already jd ?
Do you guys have any update about the shipping? Cause I can't control myself! ahahahahaha!!
thanks for your support!
keep up the good work! :D
I would love to hear an update about software.
does it work with the features that the iPhone 3G has, i.e. geotagging etc.?
does it work with appstore apps that require gps?
Just got mine (#21 in the picture).
I'm assuming that the currently available software does not work - we still need an update from xGPS in order to have it work with the iGPS360 (I'm guessing baud rate differences). Hope this is available soon.
I think the ideal approach would be to wrap the iPhone GPS library so that it will access the module instead of the internal GPS (on the 3G), but I'm not sure how hard that would be.
Looking forward to more software - Thanks!
One other thing - you may want to add the meaning of the flashing colored lights to the FAQ.
We're gonna have to wait a bit for xGPS to be ready, but hopefully we'll have it soon.
PmgR may also be working on things for a workaround.
People!, they just released a new version of xGPS. And it's supposed to support igps360! CAN'T WAIT FOR SHIPPING!!!!
Great Timing!
Seems to work OK with my iGPS360 - the first lock took about 4 min.
Turning it off and on the next lock took about 30 seconds.
After using it a few min while walking around, turning it on and off lock took about 3-5 seconds.
A couple notes/observations:
* The Speed should be switchable between km/h and mph (and it should preferably also have an off as well - I'd rather not waste the screen space when driving). When walking/jogging the km/h does not change - it remains at 0 - not sure of the minimum speed needed to update it.
* Disable GPS does not seem to do anything.
* The direction arrow seems to jump around quite a bit when walking ... it may need to have it's sensitivity change based on speed.
Has anyone else tried plugging the USB cable into the iGPS360 while it was connected to an iPhone/computer?
My iPhone starts "cycling" - i.e. iPhone will vibrate to indicate charger plugged in, bonk sound from Vista inidcating new USB device connected, the charge symbol on the iPhone flashes on for a moment, then off, a bonk from vista indicating a USB device is disconnected, then a pause, then repeat ... this went on for about a min before I unplugged the iGPS360 from the iPhone.
The good news is that plugging it into the USB wall charger works correctly (presumably the car adapter would be OK as well).
It seems to be an issue with Vista trying to connect to the iPhone through the USB cable/iGPS360.
Just curious if others see the same behavior.
it has been 4 days for me now.. and i have no news yet of the arrival of my baby...
..I guess i would have to wait until end of next week..
@skye: most likely your order will ship on Monday.
@eric: same for you, you are a little before skye so if you get lucky it will go out on Friday.
@vincent: your order shipped already yesterday.
@tom: not sure where you are in the database...
@anonymous: yes, I removed the photo. Did not know you could actually read the addresses.
@anonymous: indeed, we only look at PAID orders and skip over all the others.
@j.d.: give it a good home!
NOTE: the new xGPS software that officially supports the iGPS360 module is out now. Please read here
@kornolio: you are a little further down the list, but hopefully yours will ship next week.
@Andi: see above. The recommended software is xGPS from Xwaves. AppStore apps don't work as dock connector access is required and Apple doesn't allow that.
@jim: download the latest xGPS version, now available. Regarding the LED indicator, please see the product description page. Solid blue means a satellite lock and power on, purple flash means searching for a lock.
@j.d.: due to time constraints and since the new xGPS is out, I am postponing the command line utility for a bit. Got to ship those orders that are waiting :-o
@jim: yes, that is how the lock works. The module has to acquire satellite info first which can take a little while upon first use (or if the battery is empty). The longer the unit is on, the more info it will store, hence the shorter the re-start time. Of course the time will also depend on environmental conditions, like cloudy sky, trees, high buildings, etc.
In the xGPS software, I noticed that the disable GPS button has a bug. It unlocks the map from the arrow, so you can move the map around with your finger without being pointed back to your current position (that is how it is supposed to work). However, it looks like you can't turn it back to the original state when you press that button a second time. It should then center the map again on your current location.
@jim: I have personally tested all modules with my phone, USB cable and iTunes sync button to check it syncs correctly. This was on Windows XP so most likely it is a Vista issue.
@ian: if you have confirmation that your order has shipped, allow 6-10 days for international shipment.
Order #15 (Processing) My I send for Spain even not this envoy? If this envoy which number of monitoring thanks.
what is the status of the other map software (RoadMap, GPSD)?
Monday... mm cant wait, so another week with shipping internationally as well :)
New version of xGPS deleted my 100MB of stored maps :( Have to start getting them all again. I hope they dont do this with every update
@sergi: you are scheduled for monday shipment :-)
@happyjam64: Morten just send another binary over for testing.
Unit received and updated software downloaded. Map was dead on target. Will map to my eating place for lunch and see if it takes me there.
Be patient. You're gonna love it.
hi, when you plane to send order 94?
I just so that order 15 will be send 3rd Nov?! How come according to blog first 30 order was already send 28th Oct?! and next until 106 will be send until 5th Nov? tks
mmm got my shipping notification YAY!
lol me too skye!
received module! it's so tiny! my fm transmitter is bigger than this!!! works perfectly so far. you really did a nice job with this piece, so good... I'll call it art.
How can I see the Database number? I ordered and paid with Paypal and have a Order No. of 72... Is this the same as the DB-No?
xGPS is definitely buggy, but has a lot of potential.
It will be very, very sweet when the software is updated to the point that it lets you place pins on Google Maps and route from there.
you shipp up to order number 106, and when it continues???
Inquiries are not answered!
in account not shipping informations!
@ gregor just give them a breake pls!!! don't you see they are working hard enough, or go somewhere else, pls!
Be patient...Be patient....Be patient.....Be patient....Be patient......
@gregor: I have received two of your emails a while back asking about when your order ships. I have responded to them back then indicating there is a backlog for filling orders of a few weeks and that I can refund your money if the wait is too long for you. After receiving a dispute email from PayPal today, I have responded again to two of your email addresses. Please make sure you whitelist the orangegadgets.com domain otherwise my emails might end up in your spam-box. Please confirm you got my email and how you want to resolve the issue. If you still want your order (it is scheduled for shipping this week), please let me know and clear things up with PayPal. It is really not helpful putting transactions on dispute with PayPal. Trying to get a hold of them by phone is a rather time-consuming process. Time that I don't have to spare. I am working 7 days a week now including overtime to clear the backlog as soon as possible. I value my customers and I want them to get them their modules as fast as possible as well.
Patience is a virtue....
ahh stupid work
my unit is waiting at the post office, but I dont finish work until after the post office closes today :(
hopefully my housemate will pick it up for me, else it's just one more sleep.... :)
i'm curious when my module will arrive...
Long live belgian postoffices..
@Gregor- what is your Order Number in this case we can understand until which number they are arrive.
@GPS - According to me there is a to confusion , why you don't make delivering schedule in this case we can have idea when delivering will start (+-1/2 days)
delivering schedule is a good idea
Maybe it is not possible to give a delivery schedule.
I hate waiting too, but you have to understand that he is just alone (or he and his wife :p) to handle everything. If you wanted to have a quick shipping, then you needed to have pre-ordered sooner. Some people (like me) have been following this blog since early this year. So you're not the only one waiting.
It will arrive. You're now in the last straight line to get a GPS solution for your iphone. Just be patient, and check your e-mail.
Amazing if someone has opened a dispute with you. I can´t believe it.
I don't understand why they say Italy is at high risk for getting packages I have had hundreds of packages arrive in the 12 years i've been here and have never lost one. Once it took almost a month but usually packages arrive within 2 weeks. I have a feeling maybe it's people saying packages didn't arrive when they really did. Anyway can't wait until you get up in the 900 range so my unit will get shipped. :)
Have received my unit (DB entry 419) :) Just be patient guys, theyre coming!
Now to wait for it to charge... what happens if we try to get a lock before 16 hours of charging?
Ok while charging, is it normal for the iPod to start charging, then change to show that its on battery power, all while actually losing power faster than normal?
iTunes syncs fine in vista, but the charging is a bit odd. Do i have to have the GPS module plugged into the iPod while it charges?
OMG... i have still not received my unit yet.. is it lost.. is it being stolen.. is it being eaten by a dog..? aww..gawd.. what happen to it..
I think i am overacting a bit there, then again.. mine was one of the few that being shipped on Oct28 and i live in Malaysia.. i sure hope those postmen don't eat my package.. sheesh..!!!
Re: my previous posts
Tried it on windows XP at work, iPod does exactly the same thing. Says it is charging for a moment, but then changes to the power icon saying its running on AC power. iPod still loses charge quickily, and eventually went fully flat and switched off.
How are we supposed to charge the GPS module for 16 hours when this happens?
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